LRL was retained by over thirty residents to aid with a baseline supply aquifer quality program requested in support of due diligence with respect to the proposed Nation Rise Wind Turbine Project across the Township of North Stormont. LRL was requested to review the existing conditions of thirty-one supply wells from several locations throughout the Township of North Stormont, including such areas as Finch, Chrysler and Berwick, prior to the initiation of the construction of the wind turbines. The baseline supply aquifer quality analysis was requested to provide support to residents in the event that the proposed construction and operation activities associated with the proposed Wind Turbine Project impaired the quality of the supply aquifer.
LRLs general scope of work for this project included:
At the time of each site visit, LRL performed the following tasks:
The activities carried out by LRL were completed in general accordance to applicable provincial guidelines and the results of the analysis and infield measurements were compared to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards as well as the MECP D-5-5 guideline.
Throughout the duration of this project, LRL was astonished by the dedication and contribution by the participating members of the Township of North Stormont in support of the protection of their water supply. It was inspiring to witness our neighbours support the well-being of their community through their initiative.
LRL ASSOCIATES LTD. | 5430 CANOTEK ROAD | OTTAWA, ON, K1J 9G2 | 613.842.3434 | FAX: 613.842.4338 | INFO@LRL.CA